What were your favorite discoveries or activities over the past ten weeks?
I'd say some of my favorite discoveries were the RSS and Flickr. I knew about RSS but I never really utilized it and now I'm a tad obsessed, I have over 80 feeds on my Google Reader now :) I also love browsing through photos on Flickr. I still get irritated with the site now and then :) but I LOVE all the photos! I also really enjoyed playing with and getting more comfortable with Novelist and podcasts.
Do you feel more confidence with these resources now? Was it time well-spent?
I feel much more comfortable with several of the resources and tools from the 23 things training. It was time well spent for me, I am using these tools in my personal life and my job now much more than before 23 things.
If a similar learning program is offered in the future, are there other resources and technologies you would like to see covered? Any suggestions for how we might run the program differently?
I can't think of any right now...
In terms of running the program differently I would like to have occasional actual meetings or in person trainings where I can talk with other library staff about their ideas for using the tools in programs and such. I don't have time to view everyone's blogs and ideas and I like meeting face to face sometimes in combination with the self-directed online training.
Do you think our patrons would benefit from a similar program?
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